How Can You Support the RAPC Regimental Association?
The RAPC Regimental Association is a registered charity that is funded through donations both one-off and regular, gift aid, appeals, bequests or gifts of money or property, investment income and when required the sale of investments. If you would like to support the work of the Association the ways of doing so are shown below.
A One-Off Donation. You can:
- Make a bank transfer: Through your online bank account to:
- Account Title: RAPC Association
- Account Number: 73323853
- Sort Code: 55 81 26
- Send a cheque. Cheques should be posted to the Administrator (details below) and made payable to: The Royal Army Pay Corps Regimental Association.
A Regular Standing Order. Some individuals have regular standing orders either with an annual amount or in some cases a monthly amount. You can join them or amend the amount you currently donate by completing the Standing Order Mandate and forwarding it to your bank. For those who use online banking, you can set up a standing order using the same details as on the mandate.
Gift Aid Declaration. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can enhance your One-Off or Regular donation by completing this Gift Aid Declaration form and forwarding it to the Administrator whose contact details are below. A typed signature on the declaration form is acceptable if you wish to forward it by email.
Leave money to the Association in your Will. We have been very fortunate to receive legacy donations and, if you would like to leave money to the Association, guidance is available in this informative Legacy Pack. You can get a hard copy sent to you by contacting the Administrator whose contact details are below.
Easy Fundraising. There is a way that you can sign up to donate to the Association at no cost to yourself on purchases through the internet on all sorts of things. Sounds too good to be true - well the Easy Fundraising website gets a commission from the companies who are signed up to the scheme which they share equally with the charity you choose to support. The Easy Fundraising website link below tells you how it works and how to sign up to support the Association.
The Royal Army Pay Corps Regimental Association Fundraising | Easyfundraising
Administrator Contact Details.